9717 E. 600 N. Greentown, IN
Open September 21 -October 27, 2024 on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
Call us: 765-753-2676

Brought to you in part by:

Event Details:
October 21, 2023, at 4:00 PM
Event Location:
Kendall Family Farm Adventures Corn Maze and Pumpkin Patch, located at 9717 E. 600 N. -34 Greentown, Indiana
Entry Deadline:
5:00pm on October 14, 2023. All entries must be RECEIVED by the deadline.
Each contestant MUST arrive at least 30 minutes prior to the event on October 21, 2023 at 3:30 PM
Entry Fee:
$20 per contestant, must be paid in advance. Each participant and one parent/guardian will receive free admission to the farm on the day of the event.
Entry Categories:
Mini Pumpkin Prince and Mini Pumpkin Princess: Ages 1-5​
Little Ms. Pumpkin and Little Mr. Pumpkin: Ages 6-12
Contestants will wear and be judged in age-appropriate casual dress with the theme of 'Fall is more fun on the farm' - this can be 'country' themed, a fall favorite outfit, or something that expresses why your child loves fall or farms. No formals, or Halloween costumes, please.
For questions or more information, please contact Brittany at kendallacresfarm@gmail.com or 765-860-2172.